Mamavation pledge

Happy new year beauties!  I know that New Year’s usually involves some kind of resolution.  Did you make a resolution?  Do you set goals?  Do you write them out?  Build a vision board?  Some sort of bucket list?


I’m a list lover.  I love visuals, they are inspiring and motivating.  So are quotes, sometimes a few simple words can help you get through a tough spot.

Usually my resolution is the same every year.  Regardless of how far I went with it the prior year.  Once upon a time I weight 65lbs more than I do now, and struggled with weight my entire life.  Diets and portion control will be part of my lifestyle for the rest of my time here on earth.  My will power sucks, especially when it comes to tasty things like cheesy pizza and warm chocolate chip cookies.

The past few months I’ve found a new method to help me maintain my weight loss.  A friend from work got me a Weight Watchers Points Plus calculator and handbook.  Even though I was only planning on maintaining, I ended up losing 8 more lbs.  Not too shabby, especially because not once did I ever feel like I was dieting.  Because with this plan I can still enjoy pizza and chocolate chip cookies.  Just in moderation.  Everything you eat has a point value, and you are allotted a certain number of points each day and week.  If you exercise you even get bonus points to keep you fueled properly.  At first I thought it was nuts to be quite honest but it is hard to argue with something if it is working flawlessly.  Not too far to go until my final goal.  However, I hear that is always the biggest challenge during weight loss.

In the warmer months, a couple of co-workers and I would normally go on 2 good walks a day.  Now that it’s semi-freezing that has fallen off the radar.  So I’m left being creative to exercise at home.  Some of the things I’d like to do more of is Just Dance on the xbox because it is fun and doesn’t seem like exercise.  More weight training because I may have lost weight but I don’t feel strong.  I see more Kettlebell and other new ways to workout in my near future.  Before I sat to write this I just completed a Zumba workout with hand held weights.  At least I’m on the right track, here…

So my goals are just to feel healthier.  I need to keep on being in control of my emotions when it comes to eating.  Mostly I need to make sure that now that I can wear skinny jeans without feeling like a stuffed sausage, I’m going to keep it that way!!!

I’m hoping to become part of the Mamavation community which is a built in support system with tools to help one be successful in their healthy lifestyle journey.  If you are on the same journey, you should join me (us) !!!

And share your goals in the comments!  Let’s keep each other motivated!

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23 thoughts on “Mamavation pledge

  1. monica young says:

    I really want to try weight watchers. Maybe this is going to be the year. I just do not have so much extra money to pay for it, but I might ask for it as a bday present….
    Wishing you all the best on 2013


  2. Lindsay O. says:

    Welcome to Mamavation!! So excited to learn more about you in the weeks to come! I LOVE my xbox, but only have Dance Central. I am thinking about Just Dance 4 and possibly Biggest Loser!


    • beautybesties says:

      haven’t tried JD4 but I used to have the Biggest Loser for Wii, it was OK! I actually liked NFL training camp better but I’m happy the Biggest Loser starts up again in a few days on TV


  3. Joanna @way2gomom says:

    I think you will really love the Mamavation community! The Sistas are awesome for support and pushing you forward toward your goals. 🙂 That WW handbook thing sounds really neat! Congratulations on the loss! Oh – and I LOOOOVE Zumba! 🙂


  4. Leah Segedie says:

    Hey girl! Glad to have you! I’m a list maker too. I lost a grip of weight with Weight Watchers years ago, but I never ate any of their food. The reason was I couldn’t afford it at the time, but that was a blessing in disguise. Don’t buy the crap there. Use the point system. The new one is fabulous because foods that spike your blood sugar are more. Welcome to the community!


  5. Tiffany says:

    Good job so far! I love the idea to use things like games to stay fit. I dread the idea of exercise, but once I get going, I’m fine. I do LOVE playing dancing games with my kids though!


  6. Katy Wogatzke says:

    I love to see “feel healthier” as a goal! So many people just want to be SKINNY. You can be skinny and still not be HEALTHY! I think it’s great that you understand that there is a difference and are taking steps toward becoming healthy 🙂


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