DIY Christmas wreath nail art

I have been thinking about this for at least a week.  Finally, my idea has become a manicure.

Tis the season, y’all!

(you can click on all of these images for larger views)

I use several household items for my dotting tools like: bobby pins, rounded edges of old paint or make-up brushes, and a cuticle stick for tiny dots.

Next we are going in to decorate our wreath!

Wait!  There’s more…

Now for the other fingers!

And the grand finale:

Well… what do you think?  Please leave your feedback and share with other nail art/manicure/nail polish lovers!


7 thoughts on “DIY Christmas wreath nail art

  1. Rebecca says:

    Love love love it! I am so keeping this post in my inbox and “borrowing” your idea. I suck at nail art but this looks like something I can actually do and it looks so cute! 🙂


  2. Nicole says:

    This definitely looks like something I could do and have it turn out well. 🙂 Yours turned out super cute! I think I’ll do mine like that but just do some dark green nails with an accent finger of the white base with green wreath on it.


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